Goal of the Show
The Hacking The Red Circle podcast is designed to illustrate what it takes to organize, produce, promote and create a world-class event.
TEDx Organizers from around the globe share their stories and expertise around the creation of their events. Veterans and first-timers alike will benefit from expert accounts, advice, and inspirations. The show explores the many surprises, challenges and hidden gems we discover as we help our speakers launch their ideas worth spreading.
The show is truly global in nature with 70 shows representing every continent including a TEDx in Antarctica.
Let's have a Conversation.
I find that it's much easier for us to have a quick call to find out how I can help you. To set one up, just let me know how to contact you and a note about what you'd like to talk about. We'll be in touch within 24 hours.
If you need me quicker, add "URGENT" in the notes.
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